We have the promise that this song shall be at last on the lips of all who prevail, for St. They do not begin early enough they do not work thoroughly enough. It is the half-lives of Christians which are such a poor proof of the truth of our Lord's words. WE MUST DO OUR PART TO SET OUR SEAL TO THE TRIUMPHANT POWER OF DIVINE GRACE. We cannot join them now, but we are preparing for a more close and lasting union, in God's own time, by the individual progress in spiritual things. We cannot deny the debt we owe to the labours of Nonconformists in the days of the Church's lethargy and neglect. THE TRIUMPHS OF THE LORD IN THE INDIVIDUAL HEARTS AMONG US GIVE AN INCREASING HOPE FOR UNITY THROUGHOUT CHRISTENDOM. The prayer for strength to triumph against the devil, the world, and the flesh is becoming daily more visibly proved in the triumph of the Spirit, in the individual lives of the redeemed. The moral expectations raised by our Lord's first sermon on the Mount are being actually realized in many separate souls now. THE THOUGHT OF GOD'S TRIUMPHS AS A MAN OF WAR SEEMS TO BE VALUABLE AS GIVING IN ITS DEGREE A PROOF OF THE TRUTH OF HOLY WRIT. God will, as now, triumph through all the ages, and accomplish, no matter how his people may fear and his enemies may vaunt themselves, all his righteous will (18). They shall not only be led in, but planted there in undisturbed security (17).ģ. And when led into their land this fear of the Lord will be a wall between them and the nations round about. The heart of their foes will die within them. This deliverance will fight for them (14-16). In his mercy and strength God will lead them to the rest he has promised (13).Ģ. (9) set side by side with God's deed: "Thou didst blow with thy wind - they sank as lead in the mighty waters."ġ. The deadly malice of Egypt was extinguished in a moment like a spark beneath the heel. What can make the heart afraid which knows the power of God?Ģ. The Lord's right hand had dashed in pieces the enemy. The might of Egypt, when measured with the strength of God, was utter vanity (4, 5). THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE MARVELLOUSNESS OF GOD'S POWER (3-12).ġ.